Wednesday, May 14 - We started the morning off at 6:30am with a boxed up breakfast from the hotel. Caught a shuttle over to the Jordan border crossing with Eco Tours and a group of about 30 people. I know border patrol has significantly reduced violence between countries, but it sure seemed like a lot of red-tape to us. An hour, many passport checks and several admitting stamps later, we were off to Petra.
We made a quick pit stop en route to appreciate the amazing views of the Jordanian mountains. It was a spectacular view, however, I took a nasty fall going up the stairs. How very ridiculous! My Tivas sandals slipped on a granite staircase and next thing I knew I was trying to catch myself. Luckily, I landed on my knew a few inches below my knee cap. Dented my knee at first and now has swelled up like a bruised egg. It ached a little, but I was able to make hike into the caverns of Petra. Very grateful it wasn't worse!
Scott icing down my knee. Ugh! |
Pat & Charlie catching ride back up in horse-drawn carriage. Not bumpy in the slightest! |
Petra has been described as the eighth wonder of the world. Was makes it fascinating in part is its location. It is like a gem hidden in the mountains in a great cavern. The colors and the nature made trail down to it were beautiful. The cavern walls were probably 60-70 feet up on both sides of you. They twist and turn and just when you think they will never end, boom - there is a beautiful ancient facade cut out of sandstone. (You may remember it ifrom Indiana Jones and the last crusade.) They don't know exactly how old it is because every empire that occupied that area took control of it and added their own touches to it. Nabateans, decendants of the Edomites, are believed to have originated the structures.
Charlie & Pat enjoyed the wander down there, probably a few miles in. They decided to ride a horse-drawn carriage on the way out since it goes up-hill. Camels were the other option. That would have been a site. Great day and now enjoying a beautiful night in Eilat. Tomorrow we start our trek up towards the Dead Sea.
Blessings & love,
Cathi & the gang
View of Jordan after crossing border crossing from Israel. |
Dang! How'd they do that?! |